Grace and Ease
with Pain and Dis-Ease

Are you interested in exploring your relationship with your physical health?

Are you open to having your experience
of pain and dis-ease shift?

Join Ellen Friedman and Mick Tomlinson in a virtual intensive and expand your understanding of the mind-body-soul connection that guides people to shift their experience with pain and dis-ease and live more deeply.

The virtual intensive is a small group of participants for six 75-minute sessions designed for each participant to have an opportunity to share or ask questions in every session.

We will cover the following topics:

  • Are you in your symptoms or are you in your life?
  • I know that stress and worry are not good for my health and yet…
  • F E A R – Forgetting Every Available Resource (as quoted by Kelly Turner)
  • F A I T H – Feeling Awe In The Heart
  • Where is wisdom when you need it?
  • Decisions Decision Decisions – next steps on your healing journey

“Your reflective, intuitive, loving guidance continues to remind me of my choice of perspective, my internal direction, and what is important to me on this incredible journey of life!”  – Cassandra Ogier


Email your interest to be informed of the next small group Virtual Intensive.

  All sessions will be recorded, although for maximum benefit, live participation is highly encouraged.

About Your Guide

Ellen Friedman enjoyed her career as a physical therapist specialising in neurological rehabilitation for over 30 years. Over time, her patients began asking for “Ellen-isms”. As the requests for Ellen-isms increased, she began to appreciate the significance of her presence and the wisdom she shared about the mind-body-soul connection.

In 2010, she received a Masters in Spiritual Psychology with an Emphasis in Consciousness Health and Healing from the University of Santa Monica and became a faculty membe She became a certified facilitator of Holoenergetic Healing, (the work of Dr. Leonard Laskow) which is a healing model of guided processes using intention, imagery, and insight, energy and unconditional love. Ellen has also trained in several other alternative healing modalities.

Ellen followed an inner calling and began coaching in 2011 and in 2013 she heard something new, simple and profound and in 2019 became a Three Principles practitioner. With the understanding of the Three Pricniples she has seen added benefits for herself and her clients. She experiences deeper peace and fulfilment as well as improved physical health. Witnessing her clients awaken and discover their own peace, well being and freedom is a gift she cherishes.

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