Days of Awe

The Days of Awe: Witnessing and Facilitating God’s Healing

I share these stories in the context of my own healing journey, so intertwined with the people I’ve met and the teachers I’ve known. Sometimes I imagine my healing story began with my divorce in 1990. Or maybe it began when I said yes to enrolling at the University of Santa Monica in 2007 where I received a Masters degree in Spiritual Psychology with an Emphasis in Consciousness, Health and Healing. Possibly it began in 2008 when I followed an inner calling to learn Holoenergetic® Healing with Dr. Leonard Laskow and personally experienced a spontaneous healing of a herniated disk. And, there was the moment I first heard the teachings of Sydney Banks in 2013. Or perhaps it began on November 27, 1957 the day I was born.
Read the full introduction…

All of the names in the stories that follow have been changed to respect confidentiality.

The Inner Voice of Reason

What a joy to receive this email after just a few sessions with a new client: "I had some insights these days about the images and feelings we feel. I actually call this our inner voice. The only person who can make me feel bad, hurt, offended, angry, sad or jealous...

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Abandoning Medication for “Banding Pain”

As a physical therapist, I began incorporating pain management and fatigue management with many of my clients, especially those with a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis.  In our culture of doing, doing, doing people often feel compelled to be busy, and even healthy...

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Healing Beyond Disease

I support people in strengthening their relationship with themselves and with others as they heal beyond a physical dis-ease or illness. Anna shared,  “I feel like you are the only person on the planet who can help me through this journey, however it ends.  I think of...

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Stroke Survivor Exceeds Prior Boundaries

When I think of Olivia, I think of "unconditionally loving presence".  She had survived a stroke that paralyzed the left side of her body, and a physical therapist colleague referred her to me.  Olivia was able to move from her motorized scooter to her chair, but she...

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Forgiving Freely Gives Freedom

I facilitated a group Holoenergetic® Healing Forgiveness at my home and I can still picture in my mind exactly where Darlene was sitting in my living room.  A few days later she called me to say that she had forgiven her two adult children who had not spoken to each...

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